During these dramatic weeks of COVID-19 pandemic, my thoughts go to all people and families that are suffering because of the disease. Also, I think we should really thank all healthcare professionals that are currently fighting against the virus.

These visualizations are built on the top of the daily COVID-19 data obtained from John Hopkins University, and plotted using the Covid19CountsPlot R library (https://github.com/dami82/Covid19CasesPlot). Briefly, instead of visualizing cumulative data, here I am showing day-by-day numbers. The goal is trying to understand when selected countries (or US States) of interest are reaching an apex or a plateau. Also, I hope to gain insights about time relationships/gaps between number of new cases and COVID-19 related deaths.

Info and resources are available at the following URLs:

Today’s EU and US Charts

Today EU COVID-19 Chart

Figure 1. xy-plots showing the number of new daily COVID-19 cases (orange points, left y-axis) and number of daily deaths due to COVID-19 (blue points, right y-axis) with respect to time in a set of Countries of interest. The latest daily number of new cases and the latest daily death toll are reported. Trendlines were computed by LOESS. Data provided by John Hopkins University. Note: U.S. plot y-axis on a different scale.

Today’s Scandinavian Charts

  • Denmark: 5.8M people, density=137/km2; largest city: Copenhagen, population=794K
  • Sweden: 10M people, density=23/km2; largest city: Stockholm, population=970K
  • Finland: 5.5M people, density=16/km2; largest city: Helsinki, population=650K
  • Norway: 5.4M people, density=14/km2; largest city: Oslo, population=693K
Today Scandinavian COVID-19 Chart

Figure 2. xy-plots showing the number of new daily COVID-19 cases (orange points, left y-axis) and number of daily deaths due to COVID-19 (blue points, right y-axis) with respect to time in 4 Scandinavian Countries. The latest daily number of new cases and the latest daily death toll are reported. Trendlines were computed by LOESS. COVID-19 data provided by John Hopkins University. Country data from Wikipedia. Note: Sweden did NOT enforce a lock-down during the COVID-19 emergency.

Today’s US States Charts

Top-20 US States by cumulative number of confirmed cases.

Today US COVID-19 Chart

Figure 3. xy-plots showing the number of new daily COVID-19 cases (orange points, left y-axis) and number of daily deaths due to COVID-19 (blue points, right y-axis) with respect to time in a set of US-states of interest. The latest daily number of new cases and the latest daily death toll are reported. Trendlines were computed by LOESS. Data provided by John Hopkins University. Note: Plot have y-axes on independent scales.

Today’s US County Charts

Selected US Counties: Los Angeles, Orange (CA), Cook (IN), Marion (IN), Miami-Dade (FL), Wayne (MI), Fairfax (VA), and Philadelphia (PA).

Today US Counties COVID-19 Chart

Figure 4. xy-plots showing the number of new daily COVID-19 cases (orange points, left y-axis) and number of daily deaths due to COVID-19 (blue points, right y-axis) with respect to time in a set of US-counties of interest. The latest daily number of new cases and the latest daily death toll are reported. Trendlines were computed by LOESS. Data provided by John Hopkins University. Note: Plot have y-axes on independent scales.
